170 research outputs found

    Systematic MDS erasure codes based on vandermonde matrices

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    An increasing number of applications in computer communications uses erasure codes to cope with packet losses. Systematic maximum-distance separable (MDS) codes are often the best adapted codes. This letter introduces new systematic MDS erasure codes constructed from two Vandermonde matrices. These codes have lower coding and decoding complexities than the others systematic MDS erasure codes

    Fault-tolerant distributed computing scheme based on erasure codes

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    Some emerging classes of distributed computing systems, such peer-to-peer or grid computing computing systems, are composed of heterogeneous computing resources potentially unreliable. This paper proposes to use erasure codes to improve the fault-tolerance of parallel distributed computing applications in this context. A general method to generate redundant processes from a set of parallel processes is presented. This scheme allows the recovery of the result of the application even if some of the processes crash

    Analysis of a circular code model

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    A circular code has been identified in the protein (coding) genes of both eukaryotes and prokaryotes by using a statistical method called Trinucleotide Frequency method (TF method) [Arquès & Michel, (1996) J.Theor. Biol. 182, 45-58]. Recently, a probabilistic model based on the nucleotide frequencies with a hypothesis of absence of correlation between successive bases on a DNA strand, has been proposed by Koch & Lehmann [(1997) J.Theor. Biol. 189, 171-174] for constructing some particular circular codes. Their interesting method which we call here Nucleotide Frequency method (NF method), reveals several limits for constructing the circular code observed with protein genes

    FNT-based reed-solomon erasure codes

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    This paper presents a new construction of Maximum-Distance Separable (MDS) Reed-Solomon erasure codes based on Fermat Number Transform (FNT). Thanks to FNT, these codes support practical coding and decoding algorithms with complexity O(n log n), where n is the number of symbols of a codeword. An open-source implementation shows that the encoding speed can reach 150Mbps for codes of length up to several 10,000s of symbols. These codes can be used as the basic component of the Information Dispersal Algorithm (IDA) system used in a several P2P systems

    The q-ary image of some qm-ary cyclic codes: permutation group and soft-decision decoding

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    Using a particular construction of generator matrices of the q-ary image of qm-ary cyclic codes, it is proved that some of these codes are invariant under the action of particular permutation groups. The equivalence of such codes with some two-dimensional (2-D) Abelian codes and cyclic codes is deduced from this property. These permutations are also used in the area of the soft-decision decoding of some expanded Reed–Solomon (RS) codes to improve the performance of generalized minimum-distance decoding

    Rethinking reliability for long-delay networks

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    Delay Tolerant Networking (DTN) is currently an open research area following the interest of space companies in the deployment of Internet protocols for the space Internet. Thus, these last years have seen an increase in the number of DTN protocol proposals such as Saratoga or LTP-T. However, the goal of these protocols are more to send much error-free data during a short contact time rather than operating to a strictly speaking reliable data transfer. Beside this, several research work have proposed efficient acknowledgment schemes based on the SNACK mechanism. However, these acknowledgement strategies are not compliant with the DTN protocol principle. In this paper, we propose a novel reliability mechanism with an implicit acknowledgment strategy that could be used either within these new DTN proposals or in the context of multicast transport protocols. This proposal is based on a new erasure coding concept specifically designed to operate efficient reliable transfer over bi-directional links

    Evaluation of error control mechanisms for 802.11b multicast transmissions

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    This article first presents several packet loss profiles collected during 802.11b multicast transmissions carried out under variable reception conditions (mobile and fixed receivers). Then, an original approach consisting in mapping a posteriori some error control mechanisms over these observations is presented. This approach allows to evaluate the performance of these mechanisms according to their parameters and various channel properties. It is shown in particular that relatively simple mechanisms based on retransmissions and/or error correcting codes of small length achieve very good performance in this context (92% of the best performance)

    Dependency-aware unequal erasure protection codes

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    Classical unequal erasure protection schemes split data to be protected into classes which are encoded independently. The unequal protection scheme presented in this paper is based on an erasure code which encodes all the data together according to the existing dependencies. A simple algorithm generates dynamically the generator matrix of the erasure code according to the packets streams structure, i.e., the dependencies between the packets, and the rate of the code. This proposed erasure code was applied to a packetized MPEG4 stream transmitted over a packet erasure channel and compared with other classical protection schemes in terms of PSNR and MOS. It is shown that the proposed code allows keeping a high video quality-level in a larger packet loss rate range than the other protection schemes

    Guaranteed packet delays with network coding

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    In the context of networks providing QoS guarantees, the end-to-end delay experienced by a packet is an important parameter. In this paper, we show that network coding can be used to decrease worst case end-to-end bounds when compared to a classical routing strategy. This result can be explained by the fact that network coding can cope with congestion better that classical routing due to its property to process simultaneously packets from different flows. In this paper, two network coding strategies, applied to networks providing QoS guarantees, are presented. We present an evaluation of worst case delays both in routing and coding approaches with network calculus tools. An interesting result is that network coding can improve these guaranteed end-to-end bounds even in network topologies where the throughput is not improved

    A CRC usefulness assessment for adaptation layers in satellite systems

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    This paper assesses the real usefulness of CRCs in today's satellite network-to-link adaptation layers under the lights of enhanced error control and framing techniques, focusing on the DVB-S and DVB-S2 standards. Indeed, the outer block codes of their FEC schemes (Reed-Solomon and BCH, respectively) can provide very accurate error-detection information to the receiver in addition to their correction capabilities, at virtually no cost. This handy feature could be used to manage on a frame-by-frame basis what CRCs do locally, on the frames' contents, saving the bandwidth and processing load associated with them, and paving the way for enhanced transport of IP over DVB-S2. Mathematical and experimental results clearly show that if FEC has been properly congured for combined error correction and detection, having an uncorrected event after FEC decoding is likely to be an extremely improbable event. Under such conditions, it seems possible and attractive to optimize the way global error-control is done over satellite links by reducing the role of CRCs, or even by removing them from the overall encapsulation process